
Reuschstrasse 6
D-73033 Göppingen

Telefon: 07161-608-289

FAQ for your visit to the Märklineum

General information

When is the Märklineum open?
The Märklineum is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10 am - 6 pm. It is closed on Monday. Any special opening hours will be communicated in time.

When is the store open and do I have to pay admission to visit the store?
The store is open at the same time as the Märklineum (see above). However, on Sundays the product range is not fully available. Admission to the store is free of charge.

Is the bistro open?
The bistro is open daily from 11 am to 5 pm. You can find current offers directly on site.

Where can I buy tickets?
Tickets can be purchased either online at Tickets - Maerklineum.or at our ticket office in the Märklineum.
At our ticket counter in the Märklineum you can pay cash or wirth credit card.

Have you already purchased a voucher?
Please redeem your voucher online under Tickets - Maerklineum into a valid ticket.

What special exhibition is currently running?
There is currently an exhibition of 30 years Märklin Insider Club.

Are dogs / other animals allowed in the store?
Dogs are allowed in the store on a leash.

Are dogs / other animals allowed in the exhibition / model railroad?
With the exception of guide dogs, animals are not allowed.


Parking spaces are available free of charge in the Märklineum courtyard. Access is via Reuschstraße 6.

Handicapped accessible
All exhibition areas as well as the Märklin Store and the Bistro are accessible via ramps or elevator. (Except for factory tours for groups)

Toilets & lockers
Restrooms are available directly opposite the Service Point. There is also a checkroom that is freely accessible. Valuables and bags can be safely stored in one of our lockers for the duration of your visit.